Supports clean water and shoreline restoration efforts in Muskegon County
tag: environment
Jayne Rollin and Leo Williams Trust
Supports programs and projects in Muskegon County that supports classical music as an art form, or improves our environment and natural resources
ESCO Company
Supports programs and projects in Muskegon County related to environmental issues, safety improvements, or economic development/urban revitalization
Bill and Kay Jackson Annis Water Resources Fund
Supports the work of the Annis Water Resources Institute including the operation of the W. G. Jackson research vessel.
Louis E. Jr. and Ann J. Eklund Renewable Energy Fund
Supports development of demonstration projects and innovations related to alternative energy uses.
White Lake Association
Supports the ongoing effort to maintain White Lake as a sustainable freshwater ecosystem
Muskegon River Watershed Assembly
To protect, enhance and properly develop the natural resources of the Muskegon River and surrounding Muskegon River Watershed
Muskegon Sport Fishing Association
To protect, enhance and develop habitat and natural resources that support sport fishing in Muskegon County
Michigan Nature Association
Supports and sustains programming for natural history study and conservation education and to acquire, maintain, and protect nature sanctuaries, etc. in Michigan.
Mona Lake Watershed
For general support of the charitable purposes of the Mona Lake Watershed Assembly.