Celebrate Black Philanthropy Month: Meet Chauncy Williams
Philanthropy can look like a lot of different things – the selfless giving of money, time, resources, talents, and more – but above all, philanthropy is love put into action. In celebration of Black Philanthropy Month (BPM), we want to recognize our community members who live out philanthropy and activism on a regular basis. Chauncy Williams sets the standard high.
“Being a philanthropist consists of understanding and catering to the needs of your audience. You cannot be afraid to speak up and become an example and model for others,” said Chauncy. “My genuine interest and purpose have always centered on connecting the community to critical areas, such as health, financial literacy, workforce development, and community building. Through some of my work as the coordinator of student success at Muskegon Community Education Center, we received the SET SEG Foundation’s 2021 Education Excellence Award for our Flex Days program. I also facilitated multiple community-driven projects, such as the Youth Deterrent Program, Fresh Start, and Young Men and Women of Excellence, sponsored by My Brother’s Keeper. These programs seek to invest in young men and women’s physical and mental growth. They provide resources to obtain higher education and target youth to show them that, even through adversity, success is still obtainable.”
Please join us in thanking Chauncy and Black philanthropists like him who are making a difference in our community.
Black Philanthropy Month is a global celebration to elevate African-descent giving. Since its launch in 2011, BPM has reached roughly 17 million people and become an increasingly year-round, diasporic initiative that illuminates the ingenuity and transformative impact of generosity in Black communities. This year marks the 10th anniversary of Black Philanthropy Month.